Greater Minnesota Owners and Managers

Membership with MHA has several cost-effective benefits, including savings on educational seminars. A Greater Minnesota Property Owners/Managers  Members is defined as those headquartered outside 13-county Metro area and more than 50% of units under management are outside that same area.


Membership In MHA:

  • Protects your business by representing your interests at all levels of government.
  • Keeps you informed about investment trends, updates on laws, taxes, industry issues and products.
  • Improves your skills through education and certification classes.
  • Provides networking opportunities at meetings, events, classes and within committees.
  • Supplies valuable resources, including essential forms, leases and manuals.
  • Enhances your image and helps you profit from our public relations campaign promoting the industry.

Additional Member Benefits:

  • Weekly email updates on advocacy efforts, education, and networking events for Minnesota's multi-housing industry
  • Discounts on education, forms, and leases
  • Access to members-only events and resources
  • Direct email marketing for seminars, conferences, and events
  • Subscription to Multi Housing Advocate Magazine, featuring:
    • Management, marketing & maintenance tips
    • Legal, tax, municipal & legislative updates
    • Industry news, trends, and product information
    • Rental property business insights and new innovations
    • Upcoming events & educational opportunities
  • Greater Minnesota Chapter Newsletters

Chapter Information

Annual Membership Dues:


Greater Minnesota Property Owners/Managers:

  • Dues are based on # of units, please see the table.
  • A separate $31 chapter fee will be assessed for members in MHA chapter areas 
  • Includes 1 affiliate member for every 150 units.

An Affiliate is defined as an employee of a company that is a member.
Affiliates receive the benefits of membership, including all communications from MHA.