Product and Service Vendors

MHA members depend on your products and services to keep their businesses and associations running smoothly. By leveraging MHA’s resources, you can build mutually beneficial relationships and grow your success. Membership in MHA also offers a unique opportunity to present your company to a diverse group of decision-makers in the multi-housing industry. You’ll connect with members ranging from duplex owners to CEOs of national companies, as well as professional property managers—expanding your reach and marketing to both groups.

Member Benefits:

  • Weekly email updates on advocacy efforts, education, and networking events for Minnesota's multi-housing industry
  • Buyer's Guide Listing
  • Access to members-only events and resources
  • Direct email marketing for seminars, conferences, and events
  • Subscription to Multi Housing Advocate Magazine, featuring:
    • Management, marketing & maintenance tips
    • Legal, tax, municipal & legislative updates
    • Industry news, trends, and product information
    • Rental property business insights and new innovations
    • Upcoming events & educational opportunities

Plan your time and budget to maximize results:

  • Exhibit at product shows and meetings
  • Sponsor key events throughout the year
  • Attend free networking events
  • Advertise or contribute articles to showcase your expertise

Advertising Opportunities:

Connect with industry leaders through MHA’s publications, events, and digital platforms.

  • Multi Housing Advocate
  • Buyer's Guide Listing
  • Greater Minnesota Chapter Newsletters
  • Website Advertising
  • Weekly Update Sponsorship

Download our Media Kit today!

Buyer's Guide Listing:

Your MHA membership includes a FREE 255-character listing in both our online Buyer's Guide and the special Buyer's Guide edition of Multi Housing Advocate magazine. You’ll be listed in two ways: by company in the Vendor Pages and by name in the Members Section—key resources members use when they’re ready to buy.

Your business can be listed under multiple categories. The first category is free; additional categories are $36 annually.


The key to growing your business through membership in MHA is directly related to your level of involvement in programs and events.

The potential return on your membership investment is great. It's always much easier and more fun to do business with people you know.

View Upcoming Events

Industry Insights

Industry Insights is a free monthly program designed to deepen your understanding of the multi housing industry and help you maximize the value of your MHA membership.

Learn More

Make the Most of Your Membership: Get Involved!

Be visible. Join committees. Work along side of the people you want to do business with. Attend networking events and speaker meetings. Assign one person from your company to be your MHA representative. Make sure he/she is at an MHA event 2-3 times per month. Make a marketing plan that combines all the opportunities available to you. Committing yourself to a variety of methods/impressions over a period of time is what works. Our members tell us that by working their MHA marketing plan, they can increase their business in only 18 months to two years. 

Annual Membership Dues:

Product/Service Member: $772

Product/Service Affiliate Member: $115

You must have a current company membership before adding affiliates. Affiliate members are employees of a member company. If you want your staff members to be directly involved, receive timely information about marketing opportunities, and have their contact information listed. make sure you sign them up for affiliate membership.

PMAC Membership: $2,296

PMAC (Product/Service Multi Housing Action Council) members show their extraordinary commitment to the multi-housing industry through voluntary additional dues investment. This demonstrates their desire to protect the health of the industry. PMAC membership is open to only 25 members at any given time. As a PMAC Leader, your company receives additional exposure, benefits and recognition. Call MHA at (952) 854-8500 for more information.

Your annual renewal date falls on the anniversary date (month) that you joined MHA.