Employment Ad Posting Requirements: To post an employment ad, submit your job description (up to 250 words) to Heather Bostrom with the subject line: "Employment Ad." NEW! Special formatting, including bullets, numbering, and dashes, is now accepted. Be sure to include application instructions and contact details. Ads run for 30 days at a rate of $45 for MHA members and $60 for non-members. Members will be invoiced after posting; non-members must pay at the time of submission.

Employment Job Fair Posting Requirements:  Submit your job fair posting (up to 300 words) to Heather Bostrom with the subject line: "Job Fair Ad". NEW! Special formatting, including bullets, numbering, and dashes, is now accepted. Be sure to include application instructions and contact details. Ads will run for 30 days at the rate of $135 for MHA members and $150 for non-members per ad. Posting fees will be invoiced once the ad has been posted for members, payment for non-members is due at the time of posting.