Advertising Opportunities

Increase your company's visibility and reach rental housing decision-makers.

Targeted promotion of your company’s products and services can make a big difference in the success of your business. Reach the decision-makers in the Minnesota multi housing industry by advertising in our monthly magazine the Multi Housing Advocate and in our Buyer’s Guide. Make sure your ads run for consecutive months or all year long. It's true that it takes at least seven impressions for a company to be recognized by a consumer.

Multi Housing Advocate

MHA's Monthly magazine for rental property owners and managers. It contains articles on management, maintenance, marketing, legal issues, and legislative and municipal affairs. Contact Heather Bostrom for more information.

Buyer's Guide Listing

Product/Service Member Buyer’s Guide Listing (255 characters including spaces) can be updated anytime. It appears online at and is accessible to members and non-members under the Directories tab, “Buyer’s Guide.” The Buyer’s Guide is also printed and included as a supplement in the March and September issues of the Advocate magazine.

Website Advertising

Exclusive monthly sponsorship of MHA Buyer's Guide page. The MHA website offers a wealth of information to keep industry leaders connected, and it offers a great way to generate leads, build awareness, and drive customers directly to your company's website.

Weekly Update Sponsorship

MHA's Weekly Update is an outstanding resource for our members to stay abreast of advocacy efforts, upcoming education, and networking events for Minnesota's multi housing industry. The Weekly Update is sent Monday or Tuesday, depending on holidays and late-breaking news. This has a distribution list of nearly 2,000 MHA members and an open rate of 51%.

Sponsorships are available for three or six-month contracts only. The Weekly Update is sent Monday or Tuesday, depending on holidays and late-breaking news. If the Weekly Update is not published during your run due to a holiday, no refunds will be issued.