
Advertise in our monthly publication, The Advocate - mailed the first week of each month to all 2, 100 members. View Pricing

Want free exposure? Write an article for the publication. Articles must be editorial, not advertorial, between 900-1,500 words. Our readers love getting expert advice on when to plan for projects and what sort of projects (repairs, upgrades, fixtures, etc.) they can possibly handle by themselves. If we publish your article, we flank the headline with your photo and include your phone number and website in the byline. Getting a byline in The Advocate is a professional credit for you, and lets our readers know that the association values your advice and insights.

For more information, or to submit an article, contact Tom Cassidy at or (952) 548-2218.

Interested in advertising on your own? Purchase a member list. View pricing and information here.

CIC Midwest Marketing Packages. Reach decision makers representing 100,000+ units in Townhomes, Condos, Cooperatives and Homeowner Associations. Check out the exciting opportunities in 2017 by clicking here: 2017 CIC Midwest Marketing Packages. Find out more at

The sooner you sign up, the more exposure you receive. 

CIC Midwest Spring & Fall Savings Guides  - Advertise your offers & incentives in these publications which are distributed for six months to property managers and board members in owner occupied multi housing, as well as to rental property owners/managers. See the current issue here.

Questions? Contact Connie Anderson at (952) 548-2214 or